Who We Are
How are we different?
Unified Works provides the time earned expertise needed to lead and coach construction teams, not just textbook knowledge but decades “in the trenches” of construction–where 90% of the investment lies. We train and coach superintendents, foremen, project engineers, and other job leaders how to “pull” work to harness team power, and show upstream players how to release information and predecessor work in ways that keep all work free of bottlenecks.
How can we prove it? We’ve got lots of testimonials, and we believe they’re pretty convincing. But if you want a first-person sense of us, just give us call — once you spend 10 minutes talking with Rich, you’ll know exactly who he is, where he comes from, and how he conducts business. And by listening to what you tell him, he’ll tell you exactly what he can do for your operation. No overselling, no BS, just straight talk and an honest back-and-forth until you’re comfortable taking that next step.
Why should you hire us?
Unified Works offers a unique breadth of skills and experience that no one else in the field can provide. It’s not just a punch list of services—everyone has those, and you can see ours here:
RISE—Rapid Improvement for Superintendents and Engineers
Group training on transforming from push to pull, for more effective planning, managing, and teaching.
LEAD—Lean Executive Acclimation and Direction
Lean basics and the benefits of a culture of integration, respect, and improvement.
POW—Prepare Offerings that Win
Successfully and persuasively respond to lean RFQs/RFPs, and create winning proposals and presentations.
DEALS—Deliver Effective Advancing Lean Submittals
OFFICE—Organize Functions and Find Inefficiencies Collectively as an Enterprise
Improve back-of-the-house efforts with strategic lean tools (5 S’s, 5 Why’s, Value Stream Mapping, and Choosing by Advantages).
JOB TRAILER — Just Organized Building to Rally Allies in Lean Efforts and Results
Implement pull planning on a project: Phase Pull Planning, Six Week Look-Ahead, Percent of Plan Complete, Constraint and Variance Analysis, Parking Lot Issues Log, Plus/Delta, Lessons Learned, and Around-the-Horn Logic.

About Rich
Unified Works founder Rich Seiler has studied, taught and practiced lean construction since 2004. He has facilitated about 500 pull planning or other lean related sessions. Rich co-founded the Lean Construction Institute (LCI) Community of Practice in Chicago in 2009. He brings a depth of local, regional and national research and practice to clients who are implementing lean. Rich has a lesson, vision and inspiration for any organization that wants to be successful in the long-term.

Rich Seiler
Chief Improvement Officer
- Toyota Production System (TPS) purist
- Lean coach and lecturer for business, industry and academia
- Adjunct Instructor at Northwestern University – Masters of Project Management Program
- Accredited by LCI and AGC
- Founding member and Chair of LCI-Chicago
- Six Sigma Green Belt
- 27 years experience in Design/Build with strong self-perform background
- Knowledge of the field to the executive suites
- Chicago native

Northwestern University
Adjunct Lecturer
- Master of Project Management (MPM)
- Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science

Wanted to thank you both for your major contribution to the success of the Lutheran Hospital. Your expertise and guidance for my subcontractors was instrumental in getting the best buy in I have ever had on a project from my subcontractors. I don’t feel we would have had the success we did with out that. I do believe the real world experience you both brought to the project is what helped with that buy in from the subcontractors. I have had many folks come and try to teach a team how to do last planner and pull scheduling but only talk in theory. Construction workers see right through that and what matters to them is the experience. You both brought that.
I really look forward to working with you both again in the future.
The following comments express our recognition and appreciation for the role of Rich Seiler in our two professionally oriented graduate programs dealing with construction management.
Rich taught courses on Lean Construction in the MPM program for many years and he continues to teach in the EMDC executive program. In each case his passion for the topic, personal and engaging approach, and enthusiastic presentation enables him to relate comfortably and successfully to students at both levels and captivate their interest and attention. Furthermore, his overall commitment to the students has been manifested by finding jobs for about half a dozen of them, and several of our graduates periodically demonstrate their high regard for his professionalism by employing his services in their real world challenges.
These academic programs depend in large part on the talents and contributions of many adjunct faculty like Rich and he has clearly left his indelible mark on both programs, which adds considerably to their educational value and stature.
The team was very happy with the training. Holder showed up and they were impressed as well. So much that Holder agreed to bring in a trailer to have a space dedicated to continuing the pull plan efforts on the project. Everyone spoke very highly of Rich and we have all agreed that we want to look at doing some more training. Lots of learning, lots of engagement, and lots of excited folks that have a new tool in their bag.
I had several field and management people reach out to me to express how grateful they were for this training and how much they got put of it. It was exactly what we needed and at the right time. Please pass on my appreciation to the Unified Works Team! Rich and his team absolutely had a positive impact.
Jackson Health Services is in the middle of a $1.2 billion dollar bond program that renovates existing facilities as well as building new ones. Our $325M new 100 bed hospital was having troubles with its schedule so we engaged with Rich in the winter of 2019. Then COVID19 hit. We needed to insure that the project would be done by the end of 2020, to help to address concerns over a second wave of illness. We had made commitments to community. We needed to ramp up the Team so that we could complete the remaining $150M worth of work in less than 12 months. Rich stepped in, he took his successful current system and modified it so that we could continue virtually while socially distancing. The Team is making great strides and both I and the greater Miami Dade and Doral communities thank him. In his spare time he is also helping JHS to complete a $100M renovation of one of its other facilities while it remains active, that project will be completed in the same timeframe. Thank you Rich.
You have a particularly great skill set in getting the folks engaged and believing in your message. I believe that is one of the more important factors in having them retain the lessons learned in the course work.
The success of the system on our most recent project speaks for itself. We are utilizing Rich on the next project at North Central College. Repeat business speaks loudly for itself!

The reward to the subcontractors and construction manager was a platform where their expertise was heard with a significant reduction of wasted time and effort.
The reward to the owner was a high quality project delivered on time and on budget built by a team who found the project both a rewarding and profitable experience.
Rich Seiler’s lean program is a must for any project.